An underwater horror game that takes place in Atlantis. Created during the 3rd Game Project at Future Games over a 7-week period.

  • Responsibilities: Level Design, World Design
  • Genre: Horror
  • Team Size: 11
  • Development time: 7 weeks
  • Engine: Unreal Engine 4
  • Other technologies: Perforce

I was the only level designer in my group but also got help from one of our product owners as the world we made was quite big and had many parts to it.

My vision of the level and world design was to try and really get that feeling of isolation and being completely alone at the bottom of the deep dark arctic ocean, except for the strange monster hunting you.

I hand-built everything in my levels, using the Level Design Kit that one of our artists made for me. I wanted each part of the level to feel unique and not only make the world a bit interesting for the player to explore but also tell them smaller stories entirely through the use of the environment.
